Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer "School"

As an educator, I strive to continue to be a life long learner. 

I have half of my master's degree completed and am spending the majority of my summer reading reading professional books, participating in a book study online and going to three days of professional development.  (I mean, who does that?  Of their own volition?  It all adds up to NERD-but, hey, I'm owning it.)

I thought the most beneficial lesson I'd learned was how to successfully teach guided reading.  Until today.

Today I learned that if you're meeting your friend Jennifer for lunch there are a couple of do's and don't s.  For example:

  • Do take the time to make sure you put some kind of cosmetics on your face.  Because it will be the day that you get interviewed for KET (Kentucky Educational Television). 
  • Don't leave the house with wet hair.   Because it will be the day that you get interviewed for KET.  And God and the Commonwealth will get to see you looking like that. 
  • Do make sure you have on clothes that are not wrinkled.  Not only will you be interviewed, you will meet your next door neighbor.  This proves that you do have clothes other than your pajamas.
  • Do be prepared to face anything, including questions about how you utilize KET in both your personal viewing and professional viewing. 
  • Don't be insulted when the KET people ask you adapt your answer.  Because your answer was too long.  (This same thing happened to me at the Houston Final Four last year-what are the odds?)
  • Don't sing "The More You Know" jingle.  (Okay, so I really didn't do that, but had to fight myself to keep quiet.)
  • Do enjoy every second of adult conversation, even if it's punctuated by diesel trucks, motor scooters and a weird California Raisin guy with Darius Miller's jersey.  (Seriously there was a man walking around in the Raisin get up, striped pants, and Big D's jersey.  I can't make up this foolishness.)
I know "they" say education is a mix of experiences in the classroom and outside of it.  And sometimes, like today, the outside experiences prove to be way more beneficial.  Life skills were definitely learned today.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Say What?

Like most southern girls I know, I've got a problem with my mouth. 

Okay, so a few months ago (like, three) a lady I worked with sent me an invite to Pinterest.
And my life has not been the same.

Aside from the fantabulous ideas and resources there, I began to notice something.

I might pin something, and then Kathie pins it.  After Kathie pins it, Amy repins Kathie's pin (which was originally mine, if you recall).  After that, Stefanie might repin Amy's pin (which if you follow my logic was originally "mine").

This whole thing (besides watching with bemusement as to just how many degrees it will go) has made me think a lot about the words I use-especially if they are not kind or encouraging (i.e. gossip).

Just like when I repin something on Pinterest, when words leave my mouth, I really don't know how far they'll travel.  I don't know where they'll end up, but (unlike Pinterest) you can usually trace the words back to the original speaker.

It makes me think long and hard about Proverbs 10:19, "Where words are many, sin is not absent; but she who holds her tongue is wise."

So this is a challenge to myself to use my words carefully and diligently-to help them build up and not tear down. 

Somewhere on Pinterest is that Proverb.  And I will definitely (and proudly) repin it.

Friday, June 8, 2012

When In Doubt, Look in the Purse

So I switched from my March Madness (yes, I have a pocketbook I carry only to ballgames-but then I got lazy and carried it all of April and May) to my summer purse. 

And found a bajillion things. 

I have now discovered if I'm ever missing ANYTHING, I'm headed to my last purse.  Because you never know what you'll find...

  • 3 free Starbucks cards (how have I not used these? Agh!)
  • 1 free chicken sandwhich from Chic-fil-a (again, why is this unused?)
  • 15 gift cards with assorted amounts (3 Visas, 1 Panera, 1 Target, 3 Kroger, 1 Chili's, 1 Hobby Lobby, and 6, yes 6, Starbucks)
  • 1 prescription a year old
  • 13 Sharpies (I have the regular ones and thin ones in every assorted color except orange)
  • 2 highlighters
  • 2 thank you notes that need to be mailed
  • 4 pony tail holders-one Carolina blue (why do I even own one that color?), two brown, and one Kentucky blue (of course I can't find it when I need to match, but's a start)

Is it too late to start a New Year's Resolution?  Maybe I can do a mid-year use what all's in my purse!