Saturday, September 11, 2010

In Remembrance

On this day, nine years ago, the unthinkable happened.

We lost our fellow brothers and sisters to people who didn't agree with us ideologically.

I was in college on that September morning.  It was the most beautiful, perfect morning you could imagine.  And in the weeks that followed, we tried to make sense of it. 

On UK's campus, lots of activites were held.  That Friday, my math teacher let us out early so we could attend a service to honor those who lost their lives.  Lots of prayer vigils were held. 

And lots of spiritual discussions took place. 

The Wesley Foundation was a very important part of my life.  A year later, at our Monday night dinner, pastor Bill Hughes made this comment, the one that has remained with me for the last eight years:
"That was the day evil tried to triumph.  This September 11th, let good triumph instead." 

And we discussed ways to make sure evil didn't get the upper hand.  On the first anniversary, some people baked cookies and took them to the local fire house.  Others went to the VA to thank them for their service.  We brainstormed small ways that we could ensure that September 11th would be a day of service, not one where evil would have the upper hand.

And in this way we can live out the Scriptures:
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21

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