Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Now Let Me Clear My Throat

Okay, I'm not too proud to admit that as recently as two weeks ago I thought I ran my life. 

You see, Christmas break was coming up, and here were my plans:

  1. Sleep late-every single day.
  2. Catch up with friends.
  3. Go into my classroom and get some stuff done.
  4. Be proactive and get some planning done for the new year once I returned.
There were various sundry items on this list as well.  But last and certainly not least:
  • Hit up the after Christmas sales in a major way.
My class was supposed to have their Winter Party on Thursday, December 17th.  Due to a large amount of snow and ice, school was canceled  Thursday and Friday.  I did not leave the house (except for a very embarrassing attempt at shoveling the driveway) from Wednesday until Saturday. 

Sunday I went with my parents to Sam's Club about 20 miles away and was fine.  Monday I woke up with a headache but thought nothing of it.  (First mistake.)  I went into my classroom and worked like a little busy bee, bringing home a ton of stuff with me to do over the next 14 days.  

By Monday night, I was sick with the flu.  And I mean sick.  Like, today marks day 10 with it.  And over the past ten days, I have finished off three bottles of cough syrup, three Kleenex boxes, three bags of cough drops, and one Mucinex tablet box. 

And because I waited until Sunday to seek medical attention, the doctor told me I would just have to tough it out.  Which means all my grand intentions for this break have been just that.

But all is not lost.  I've gotten caught up on my twilight sleep.  Which means I saw an ad for this. 

Doesn't it remind you of that episode of "30 Rock" with the Pajamarals? 

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